The Great Commission is the primary place where we see God sending his church. We call it the Great Commission because it is where Jesus gave his disciples their mission, and this is still the church’s mission today since we are still disciples of Jesus.
Matthew 28:18-20, "18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Beacon Church Strathcona has summarized it this way: to create a community committed to taking our personal relationship with Jesus public by loving and serving our neighbours.
On this page, we will provide encouraging ideas for you to join God in his mission to your neighbours.
Share Your Story
If you've met Jesus, you've got a story to share. Stories are about change, and Jesus is all about changing lives.
It's easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of sharing your story. Perhaps you've told yourself "it's not exciting enough" or "it's too complicated." The truth is sharing your story is as simple as telling people what God has done for you. That was the approach the apostle Paul used. In Acts 22 and Acts 26, Paul told his story in about 500 words — 2 to 3 minutes at normal speaking pace.
With a little preparation, your story can be a powerful way to give God the praise he deserves and to help others draw closer to Him.
Three Tips to Make Sharing Your Story Easier
God is so great that it's natural to want to detail every way we've experienced God's glory. But focusing on one thing makes your story easier to tell and is far more likely to hold someone's attention. Describing what you were thinking and feeling, not just what happened, also makes your story moving and memorable.
The hero of your story is Jesus. He is the ultimate change-maker. Jesus is the one who transforms our circumstances, our choices and our responses. He is always either visibly at work in our lives or invisibly guiding events through His goodness. Without explaining how Jesus "fits in the picture," you don't have a testimony, only a biography.
When we share our stories, all we're doing is sharing "living examples" of this larger story. Your story brings the Bible story to life for the people you know, whether your audience knows Jesus or not.
The most important thing is to remember that the power of your story is not in the words you choose or in the drama of the events you recount. The power is in expressing an authentic, personal account of how Jesus is alive and at work for you, in you, and through you.
We don't need our stories to end neatly or wrap up with a nicely tied bow. We just need to allow people to connect with our hopes, fears, and struggles, and help them see that Jesus cares.
Taken from: https://newspring.cc/articles/three-ways-to-share-your-story-better
Serve With Us
Under the NEXT STEPS tab you will see SERVE WITH US. We have listed the ways in which you can join our church family in serving our church, city, and world. Click HERE to see those opportunities.